put some things together and upgraded Solarpunk to the project page.
Hi and welcome to Skyhold! I'm C Jackdaw, a writer and witch who likes experimenting with just about everything. This site collects my thoughts, my creative work, links I find useful, and provides a central place to find me elseweb. ⌘
put some things together and upgraded Solarpunk to the project page.
added advice and links about ADHD at work to ADHMe.
updated /now.
made a page for my notes and links about handsewing.
for the 32-Bit Cafe Jam, I answered the question "what has creating a website done for you?"
added a tab for Projects to keep things a bit more organized.
made my first webring since 2003! ADHMe is online.
added an article about Writing and Digital Relationships for this month's IndieWeb Carnival.
collected some old writing and some new and some quotes in On Kindness.
linked to some older fiction I wrote for Yuletide in Other Writing.