Some Useful Things

Solarpunk is... well it's a bit like all the other -punks, steampunk, cyberpunk, etc, where it's an aesthetic, it's a fashion option, it's a worldbuilding description, but it's also a loose collection of ideals and goals that can be used or aspired to in everyday life here. It has degrowth and gardening and permaculture, it has all the tech of cyberpunk but has an optimism that most of the punks don't have, an aggressive optimism but optimism none the less.

Deepening Resilience: Earth-based Responses to Climate Change


Intentional Communities - Find, Join, & Learn about Intentional Community

Extinction Rebellion


Lost Valley Education Center


Local Resilience Project


Ashes Ashes

SPROUT DISTRO - Anarchist Zines & Pamphlets

Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures "is an arts/research collective that uses this website as a workspace for collaborations around different kinds of artistic, pedagogical, cartographic, and relational experiments that aim to identify and de-activate colonial habits of being, and to gesture towards the possibility of decolonial futures."

The Manifesto - Dark Mountain "What war correspondents and relief workers report is not only the fragility of the fabric, but the speed with which it can unravel. As we write this, no one can say with certainty where the unravelling of the financial and commercial fabric of our economies will end. Meanwhile, beyond the cities, unchecked industrial exploitation frays the material basis of life in many parts of the world, and pulls at the ecological systems which sustain it."

Living Resilience "Our mission here at Living Resilience is to offer optimal support and resources to people who are brave enough to see the human-caused collapse of Earth and Human systems we are currently in, and the even larger collapse events to come."

Pirate Care is a transnational research project and a network of activists, scholars and practitioners who stand against the criminalization of solidarity & for a common care infrastructure.

Four Thieves Vinegar are the inventors of the epi-pencil (an inexpensive, DIY epi-pen alternative)

Occupy Medical "believes that everyone, regardless of income or status, should have access to medical care without the fear of financial burden or being considered unimportant by their caregivers. We strive to listen to everyone who comes to our clinic, to build a positive culture in the community, and to give the best care possible at no cost to the city and the people."

For the Indigenous Haida community, ecoanxiety is nothing new "It is taken for granted by Governor Brown, by the climate scientists studied by Robbins and Moore, and the many people now reporting symptoms of ecoanxiety, that this new abnormal we call the Anthropocene is a new problem. But, guided by the insights of Leanne Betasamosake Simpson, let’s jump back in time for a moment. In the second half of the 19th century an apocalypse happened on a series of islands just off the west coast of what we now call Canada."

How Indigenous Peoples Are Fighting the Apocalypse "I’m thinking through the convergence of these apocalypses: the genocide of colonization and the ecocide of climate change. I’m trying to understand how Indigenous Peoples have persisted in the face of existential threats, because I believe that our survival ought to matter to more people than just ourselves. That it ought to matter to you."

Reasonable Prepping

The Prepared - Common sense emergency preparedness

The Survival Mom - Helping moms worry less & enjoy life!

Food Storage For People Who Don't Hate Food

Anarchism & Socialism

It's Going Down - Anarchist News and Analysis

Libcom News


Black Rose Anarchist Federation

BSA - Resource Guide

The Handbook of Handbooks for Decentralised Organising

Anarchist Library

CrimethInc. ex-Workers' Collective: Your ticket to a world free of charge


Open Collective helps groups manage finances openly and collectively

An Ex-cop's Guide to Not Getting Arrested

Permaculture & Gardening

TC Permaculture

Permaculture Rising - Oregon, North America

How to Start a Garden - 10 Steps to Gardening for Beginners

Self Watering Planters - DIY Demo, How They Work, Tips for Use

What is permaculture? - notes from the Permaculture Living course

How to Start a Small Garden in Your Apartment

Fresh Food Fast: How to grow veggies you can eat within 8 weeks!

Shared Resource Library

resources for organizers

Master List of Zero Waste options

Collapsepunk and dystopia

For when you're feeling less optimistic.

Let's Talk Collapse "Collapse is a complex and controversial subject. I found a lack of organized guides for newcomers to the topic and have set out to build my own by cataloging the most relevant individuals, concepts, and resources on the subject into the most effective overview possible."

I Lived Through Collapse. America is Already There. "This is how it happens. Precisely what you’re feeling now. The numbing litany of bad news. The ever rising outrages. People suffering, dying, and protesting all around you, while you think about dinner. If you’re trying to carry on while people around you die, your society is not collapsing. It’s already fallen down."

Facing the Climate Emergency: Grieving The Future You Thought You Had "After you acknowledge the apocalyptic scale and speed of the climate emergency, you must allow yourself time to grieve. There are so many losses: the people and species already lost, your sense of safety and normalcy... Above all, in order to live in truth, we have to grieve for our own futures—the futures we had planned, hoped for, and thought we were building. Grief is appropriate—while, on one hand, this is the loss of an abstraction, not a living creature. On the other, it’s a huge loss—the loss of our most cherished plans, goals, fand fantasies."

How To Go To Work When Collapse is Near "I replied saying "Well, then, welcome to the doomosphere. I have some books and authors to help you research, if serious." Interestingly enough, he took me up on it. My first thought was to do it as a "tweet-storm," but then I realized that it was going to go a bit long for that. Collapse has been my main intellectual interest for over a year now. I want to do justice to those who write about it."

Collapse Reddits


Dropping Out: Why and How? "In short then ‘Dropping Out’ is simply the – critical – process of ‘leaving’ the normalcy imposed upon you by society. It is to say ‘I would rather not.’, ‘I do not do that.’ or ‘No.’ in the face of assumed choices. It is the beginning of freedom."

In Taos, a community of ‘voluntary anarchists’ is taking off-the-grid living to the next level "While the houses, with their rounded corners and colorful walls made of cans and bottles, may look more like spaceships than human dwellings, the opposite is true: The buildings are even called “earthships.” Located just outside of Taos, this community—known as the Greater World Earthship Community—provides full-time housing to at least 130 people."

5 Steps to Embrace Lifestyle Deflation Without Deprivation

Sloww has a lot of links and articles about slow living, but the really aggressive nags for their mailing list make it unpleasant to read.

What Is the Slow Movement? "The Slow Movement advocates a cultural shift toward slowing down life’s pace. A cultural movement in favor of slowing down in a world obsessed with speed is a useful prequel to any debate about prosperity and macroeconomic policy. By considering the Slow Movement, we can contemplate one of the fundamental societal values that inform our current economic policy: how is time best used or spent."

Different Ways to Live and Work Together

  • Ashes Ashes
  • ColapseWiki
  • Green Wizards
  • Just Collapse
  • Local Resilience Project
  • Middle Earth Ranger Forum
  • the Prepared
  • Survival Mom
  • Facing the Climate Emergency: Grieving The Future You Thought You Had
  • How Indigenous Peoples Are Fighting the Apocalypse
  • How to Get Your Apartment Off the Grid
  • How to Go to Work When Collapse is Near
  • How to Start a Small Garden in Your Apartment
  • Prepper FI: Taking Control of your Future Beyond Just Money
  • Ruggedize Your Life
  • Who Gets to Have Ecoanxiety?
  • Wallowing and Worshiping: Living with Ecological Grief, Part 1
  • Jörð: Unearthing the legacy of the Norse earth goddess
  • The Tower Time Documents
  • A Speculative Look at the Cycles of Magic and the Otherworld
  • A Guide to Living in Interesting Times
  • The Otherworldly Tides of the Great War
  • Joy and the Greed-Wolf in a Time of Towers
  • The Great War: Pain, Hope and Shifting the Tide
  • The ‘Great War’: Unmaking vs Making
  • The Great War in the Otherworld