Reasonable Prepping

These are all resources about prepping that you can browse without worrying about running into doomsday prepper bs and extreme right-wing politics. There is a certain about of milder right-of-center tone but not so much I'm unable to manage it, anyway.

Anarchism & Socialism

When you need to swing back to the left...

Permaculture & Gardening


Nonfiction Books

Collapsepunk and dystopia

For when you're feeling less optimistic.


Degrowth (or "downshifting" or "lifestyle deflation") is about leaning to live a lifestyle with a smaller footprint now, because every little bit helps and because it's easier to learn while there's a safety net. (At some point there may not be a safety net anymore.) For some people, this means buying land where they can be self-sufficient, garden, and so on. For others, it can mean figuring out what you can do in the city, what you can learn, or who you can depend on.

Different Ways to Live and Work Together