Jack of Many Trades

Day 22 - Getting Specific

Originally posted: 2017-03-23

I was walking on my lunch hour, running through the daily prayers and thinking about some of the different ways I’ve been asked to do offerings last week by various powers. When I stopped by the creek to do today’s prayers to Pillai and Bluebird, I got a response from Pillai that was essentially ooh, we can ask for other things? I wanna ask for something different too.

I’ve been enjoying the practical offerings, so I didn’t even whine about it.

I want you to write for me!

You know, there’s a lot of things I know I’ve been slacking on. Cooking. Laundry. Paperwork to update my birth certificate. And I'm not writing fiction the way I'd like to, sure. But I've blogged literally every day this month; writing is a thing I am actively doing every day. Surely there's something else...

Picture, if you will, the sensation of someone giving you a skeptical eyebrow, and you can't see or hear them, but you know the eyebrow is there, and it is arched.

The certainly is something I was meaning to work on, after all. And while it doesn't have a due date, this was the best time to do it.

The result is my opening post on Pagan Bloggers: Now Entering October Country