Jack of Many Trades

Bit of Everything

Originally posted: 2022-06-17

Hello again! My shoulder is slightly less broken according to the broken-bone-doctor. She said I can not wear the sling sometimes and I'm supposed to be doing physical therapy, but scheduling has turned out to be complicated. Also once you tell me I can take the sling off apparently I just... stop wearing it around the house. Which is mostly fine except muscle memory is a thing so my left arm keeps trying to do things it really shouldn't. Nothing that's been really dramatically bad, just... you know, picking up things. Twisting my elbow slightly. Perfectly reasonable things except, yep, still broken.

When I say I'm supposed to be doing PT, what I mean is I'm doing exercises at home, and I'm supposed to be scheduling appointments somewhere, but it's hard to get in and I can only call during what's basically work hours so... I still haven't scheduled yet. Shhh, don't tell my mom.

That's a joke but like, out of nowhere yesterday my mom was like "hope you have a fixed rate mortgage" and I was somewhere between "why do you always have to talk money with me like I'm still seventeen" and "lol why were you going to offer to help refi if we needed" (because I know the answer is no). I learned last time that sass is the thing that cuts her off at the knees I guess.

The thing about bad financial decisions is that, generally speaking, the worst decisions I made were when I was in a fucked up relationship and I knew they were bad decisions but I didn't have any other options, or at least I didn't feel like I had other options. I feel like that's the case for more people than financial advice accounts for: you max out the credit card or you get the payday loan because... sometimes your other option is worse.

So when I talk to people at work, I try to make sure they know what options they do have. I believe the system is completely fucked up, but there's ways to leverage it, stuff that will improve your credit score even if credit scores are a scam because you still need one. Fucking employers look at that shit. It's so broken.


Off to the weekend we go. I'm writing and I'm practicing drawing faces and Bug is having a sleepover this weekend at bestie Worm's house so we've got that to look forward to.