Jack of Many Trades

Right Now On Kuzcotopia It Is 1:56 PM

Originally posted: 2021-11-18

Last Saturday we went to a pediatric vaccine clinic. Bug got her first shot, and I got a booster while we were there. I did mixy-matchy, as people seem to be recommending, and it kicked my ass. Like on Sunday everything hurt and I had a low level headache for a couple days after, though I'm also not sleeping well so that probably isn't helping either.

I am still on my ridiculous quest to clean up and organize my Notion notes and my google drive. I'm actually making progress, which blows my mind to be honest. One of the things I'm doing is moving the really old stuff to cold storage, because honestly I don't need to be seeing my poems from high school or my old Hanson fanfic or my 2009 taxes on a regular basis. I'm also finding I've been a victim of poor archiving practices by Past Me, because some automated script somewhere was saving single lines of blog posts instead of entire posts, and some plugin somewhere was saving URLs in individual word docs instead of the contents of the page, and it's just a lot of cleaning up. I think it'll be worth it for Future Me, though.

I've been working on a good old-fashioned hand coded website, because I'm hanging out on Yesterweb and they are very enabley. Previously I just kind of had a landing page but in cleaning out my storage I'm finding perfectly good older stuff and I figure I might as well post some of it.

I also ordered my 2022 planner from Benebell Wen, because hers is the most successful I've ever been with a planner long term.

I had my follow up psych appointment today, and we talked about how I'm adjusting on the meds (pretty well) and the weird dreams I've been having (zombie rats) and I feel pretty stable so unless I ask for a spot sooner I don't have to talk to her again until next year. Yay!

I've also gotten back into Animal Crossing since the 2.0 release dropped. I've been posting screenshots on Twitter of some of my ridiculous builds, including the World's Largest Sand Castle and a basement prepper bunker.