Jack of Many Trades

November New Moon Check In

Originally posted: 2021-11-03

Personal highlight: Bug has a first vaccination appointment scheduled for the weekend after this one. I believe I'll be able to get a booster at the same time.

I'm in a very organizing kind of mood for second new year this year. I've cleared out duplicate files in my google drive and I think I'm ready to take a second, more hard-core approach to what's in there. I'm trying to tame my Notion account too, since I started trying to use it as my primary storage for everything. (And because I'm kind of a backup fiend, a lot of what I just eliminated duplicates of in google drive is ALSO in notion. Not all, of course, but a good chunk.) I'm trying to simplify.

It's hard! I'm not good at simple. But I'm making progress. I'm thinking about revisiting Scrivener just as a way to take all these short files and combine them into longer ones.

If you have a favorite organization youtuber or blogger or book or article or something, I'm back on my bullshit again, please send recs my way.

The Animal Crossing update has got me playing on my island again. I'm currently obsessed with putting waterways everywhere. Bug likes to complain about my choices, but Bug has been working on a spa for weeks and by "working on" I mean I put some fancy bathtubs and simple panels in the spot she wants to use and she hasn't done anything, so I'll do what I want.

I'm not officially doing Nano, but Moth and I did reset our wordcount for 1 November, just to see how we do. I did a rough count and we're over 400k since we started this in... May? June? Somewhere in there. Ridiculous, and so much fun.