Jack of Many Trades

Hail to the Lady of the Stars: an Offering of Lexapro

Originally posted: 2021-10-03

Today I start Lexapro. I'm anxious, but that's why I'm taking the Lexapro I guess. And I was anxious when I started the Prozac. I'm also going up to 20mg Adderall, and I'm trying that today even though I don't usually adderall on the weekends because I need to do some overtime and because I prefer to try new things when I'm not working.

Which is actually contradicting itself, I guess, but at least I don't have to talk to anyone for the overtime.

I don't like knowing it'll be weeks before I know if the Lexapro is going to do anything but I guess it is what it is, right?

P and I have been writing a lot, still, and it's probably the weirdest and the most effective relationship strengthener at the same time. It's really nice doing something just for each other, you know?

I did finally get my new replacement cpap in the mail from Phillips, with absolutely no warning, so that was weird but good. So far it seems to be working pretty well. It's good to not have to worry about it again, and the new model is a little smaller and also talks to my phone if I remember to pair the bluetooth manually, so that's fun.