Jack of Many Trades


Originally posted: 2021-07-23

Somewhere back in our ancient history (around 2014?) we started dreaming with a close friend about building a queer compound. For this post we’ll try to protect our friend’s anonymity and call him Markus. We’ve probably had the “queer compound conversation” with all of our closest friends over the years, but with this one friend those conversations were less playful and more serious. And as of this week, we actually got it done! Or at least we’re making great progress.

-News From the AOC Compound – All Options Considered

Okay, look, every queer I know has had this conversation at least three times. And I don't think I'm tough enough to be Tenacious Unicorn Ranch material, but a little bit of shared housing sounds really do-able.

Every couple of months P and I go through the same discussion cycle, about how expensive Portland is and how we'd look elsewhere but where the hell is elsewhere? Oregon isn't perfect by a long shot, but I have a lot more protections here than I would most cheaper places, and I have good insurance (though really one of my goals for 2022 is to not need surgery), and I think I just end up feeling trapped, if that makes sense. I love Portland but I have barely been able to do anything I love about living in Portland for ages.

Also I'm exhausted and I think I've finally hit the point where not using my cpap is catching up to me. It's included in the Philips recall and when I contacted my doctor she said to go without it if I could... and I have been... but ugh. And there's no real idea when/if there will be a resolution so who knows? I'm back to feeling like I don't have any good options.

No good options is basically how I've felt for the last fifteen months, though. Just the best we can manage.