Jack of Many Trades

If it's not one thing it's n+one things.

Originally posted: 2021-02-08

We finally got around to deciding we're going to replace the annoying Cabinet What Was Here When We Arrived with open shelving in the laundry/pantry/utility closet. I went ahead and ordered the shelving units were're going to start with, a thus-far-sturdy but cheap model, one of which is already jammed into the corner in there. They should arrive tomorrow, and I planned that I could spend the weekend prepping the pantry, emptying the cabinet, etc, without over-exerting or doing anything too strenuous.

Then I started having stomach cramps, and various other GI symptoms followed. Not sure if it was an unfortunate bug or really weird heartburn or what, but Saturday evening wasn't great, Sunday was a total loss, and today felt like an improvement but I still spent most of it in bed.

Today I did manage a doctor's appointment, and sorted an issue with Bug's laptop by calling to get her a school model, and tonight I'm feeling well enough that I slowly got a bunch of stuff temporarily relocated so... guess we'll see what happens tomorrow.

I also decided that I'm getting a reciprocating saw for my birthday, and because it's way easier to do quick work around the house with tools so I wanted to add a non-handsaw to my kit. Someday I'll have a workbench! For now I have a shelf in the closet and that's okay.

And hopefully soon I'll have a less crowded laundry/pantry/utility closet and that'll be nice too.