Jack of Many Trades

I Need OneTab for My Brain

Originally posted: 2020-03-10

I have 89 tabs open in my web browser on my phone and that's about how my brain feels right now. I don't know that it's anything I can fix, I just have to get through it til I figure out the new normal. New Thing at work started yesterday and I'm not sure it's the right thing for me but I guess you never really know, do you?

The weekend was kind of all over the place, including Bug's first skateboarding class. The clinic was run by some amazing women from Skate Like a Girl

I've been trying to sleep better but also spend more quality time with my Lefty, which meant I was losing all of my old "work time" after Bug goes to sleep. We talked about it some and we're going to experiment with parallel journaling and see if it works for us. Captain Awkward is encouraging patrons who want to do Morning Pages, and even though mine will be evening pages I still want to try, you know?

And then a note came up on my Instagram about #100days kicking off again next month. My first thought was about how I always fail at it but I'm trying to recast that. I got like sixty days in once. That's not finishing, no, but it's TWO MONTHS of practice and that's not nothing. It doesn't have to be all or nothing.

Between all and nothing is a good thing to be focused on right now anyway. The current panic of conspiracy theories, disinformation and prepping anxiety is pretty much the venn diagram of my OCD. My primary method of coping is to do a lot of curation and ignore most social media. If you are looking for someone who can talk sensibly about preparing, I recommend siderea for all your needs.

I'm doing what I can, and letting go of what I can't, and in the meantime, I saw hand sanitizer at Bath and Body Works as late as last Wednesday.

Speaking of doing what I can, let's see what I can do about those 89 tabs...

For locals, Portland is throwing a Pop Up Con due to the cancelation of Emerald City Comicon.

Almost Home

The Gods Are Trans - as a measure of just how long I've been hoarding tabs, I opened this when the project was new, back at the start of the year.