Jack of Many Trades

Happy Imbolc, Lammas and New Year

Originally posted: 2019-02-03

My sleep schedule is currently: pass out between 11-12, wake up at 2, not able to get back to sleep until like 4:30. Saturday morning at 3am I rearranged the cans in the pantry. I don't know what is even with my brain on this stupid fogging head cold.

I was reading an article about Locast and now I'm curious - I'm not in a city that has the service yet, but I know some of y'all are in cities that are. The Locast website lists them as: Boston, NYC, Philly, Baltimore, DC, Denver, Chicago, Dallas, Houston. So do I know anybody who uses it? I have an antenna and it's okay but it's not always as clear as I'd like so I'd love this.

Last month I posted about a total of one goal before getting distracted, but I do have an update on that goal! I finished the hall closet and made sufficient progress on the pantry closet and the laundry closet that I'm willing to call it a success, especially since I couldn't breathe for, like, half the month.

I am thinking that going forward I'd like to start marking Hekate's Deipnon. I'm... pretty much the opposite of Hellenic, but I like that it's usually celebrated by cleaning the house, and I would like to get into the habit of more regular, specific offerings. I wouldn't say I met my standard for it this month, so I'll start next month. When I hopefully won't have this fucking head thing anymore.

Today I wrote some poetry for the Firebird. The plan, inasmuch as there's a plan, is to spend each week sort of... meditating on/with the spirit in question, and ideally produce a writeup and a card art in the end, if I don't have those already. I'm not sure how happy I am with the current state of the picture I posted last night, but I'm also sort of terrified of ruining something that's currently pretty neat, so at the bare minimum I need to wait until I dislike it more.