Jack of Many Trades

Day to Day

Originally posted: 2018-12-09

brightandravenous asked: What sorts of magicking do you do on a daily/regular basis?

Well let's see... I have a prayer/energy offering that I usually do once or twice a day, often when I'm walking to or from work, for the local spirits I work with: the Waters near my house, nature spirits, library wights, Portlandia and other city spirits, sometimes others depending on what else is going on. I usually also do some Pokemon Go on my way into work, and will sometimes banish problems to Professor Oak by naming pokemon after them and sending them away. (Petty? Yeah. Weirdly satisfying? Also yeah.)

Sometimes I meditate on my lunch hour, and when it's warm I might go down to the river, but mostly my work day is work, though I do have a few shrine-ish items on my desk. I used to go to the library once or twice a week on my lunch and offer to Ganesh or Wodanaz, but the one near me is under construction at the moment. The last two weeks or so I've been using the planetary hours app, trying to pay attention to the energies of the different hours and what powers they seem to bring to the fore.

Evenings I do some house stuff, and I've been using the rhythm and routine of making an offering of it to help me keep on top of it. If I'm cooking dinner I usually feel Tzymir (for ages I didn't have a sense of him other than "weirdly helpful AU of Chenek" so it's nice to finally have that a bit more nailed down) who has a lot of opinions about spices and getting my hands dirty.

Weekends are pretty similar, especially since I work a lot of Saturdays. Days I'm off I try to get some other stuff done in the house. The general sense of "maintaining the house" is more aligned to Brhenti-Brigid and to Mara; more Brhenti than Mara now that it's winter. Sundays during spring-summer-fall are usually Market days, and finding the time and the money in the budget to shop at the Farmer's Market is definitely an offering to Mara. Some Sundays in the fall-winter-spring I teach middle schoolers at the UU church, and some Sundays we go to service, though I'm not a big "sitting in service" guy. Teaching the middle schoolers is... I was offered the chance to do it at a time when I was getting to know Redbird better and she made it clear she wanted me to do it, so I do.

Evenings are all pretty much the same, I usually try to meditate after Bug is in bed, load the dishwasher, check the wards, etc. Candles and any spellwork usually happens then as well if they're going to happen that day.

And ta-da!