Jack of Many Trades

Failure Mode

Originally posted: 2017-12-09

Well, I had intended to do #domagick, and then I didn't have any "research" to share on what I wanted to do so I figured I'd just, you know, do magic. I've been working on sewing a backpack/possibles bag and the more I've worked on it, the more it's taken on a life and personality of its own. She had very strong opinions about shape and structure that differed from what I'd planned, and now I'm working on a late addition - turning an old Captain America t-shirt into an applique that is being over-embroidered.

The plan is to work on it every day until it is done, because follow through is not my strong point.

So then why is the post called Failure Mode? Well, I woke up at about 4:30 AM and realized I had not worked on it the night before. It turns out I'm a great deal more okay with that than I expected. There was a time not that long ago when I would have been having a scrupulosity freakout - and a time slightly less long ago when I would have thought I was okay with it but still been worrying about how best to atone or whatever.

It was understandable. We've been working with Bug on self-identifying when she needs help calming down, and one of the ways we do that is by having her sit with me on the couch in the semi-dark and listen to lullaby music videos on YouTube. It's not at all surprising that sometimes one or both of us falls asleep there.

So I woke up and I did last night's stitching, and it is what it is.

And now I'm going back to bed.