Jack of Many Trades

Day 29 - Bluebird Skies

Originally posted: 2017-03-30

[caption id="attachment_9246" align="alignright" width="300"]25169048609_cf84961b4e_z Not the library I was at today.[/caption]

It's Wednesday! I've done four complete weeks. It feels like I just started, to be honest. Today started early, as I had a follow up doctor visit to make sure I was recovered from last week's "event." I knew I wanted to make today's prayers at the library before I even went to sleep last night, though, and I had my bag packed with the books I needed to return.

The morning was gray and wet and windy, and no amount of cover helps much when the rain is blowing sideways. I got some quality solo train time in, which hasn't happened much since we moved. Along the way I took care of some paperwork that needed to be done and visited Portlandia for the first time in a while. It had lightened up some by the time I was walking from the train stop to my office, but it stayed gloomy and damp right up until about an hour before my shift ended, when the clouds thinned and the blue spring sky came through.

After work I was practically skipping on the walk to the library. For the last Wednesday, my offering was joining the Friends of the Library, a proper commitment to the town and the library wights as well as an offering for Pillai.

I need to spend some more time with the new lesson from the Court of the Work In Progress but it's got me thinking about my writing, and the spirits I already work with and the spirits I could turn to for help with that. The course has thus far done an amazing job of happening to be just what I need when it comes into my mailbox, I have to admit.

One last day with Pechak and Velos and this experiment will officially be complete, though I have to finalize the prayers and their format. And now that I've laid this groundwork, it'll be time to move onto the next thing.

Today's coin is an Algerian 1 dinar coin. The back features a prominent star and crescent symbol and a hamsa. The star reminds me of the Dark Lady, and the crescent I hadn't used to associate with her, but pairing her with Monday has made me think about it. I hadn't spent enough time with Redbird to see it before the last few months, but the Dark Lady and the Bright Lady are very much two sides of the same coin. The hamsa is a protective symbol, so this coin I take as the Dark Lady's blessing.