Jack of Many Trades

Day 26 - Bright Lady

Originally posted: 2017-03-27

Incense and candles are a good all-purpose offering, but I'm fascinated by the variety of things individual powers might prefer. An all-in day for Redbird included:

  • teaching sex ed to my sunday school kids
  • receiving the blade-in-chalice ritual of my regular testosterone shot
  • grocery shopping
  • spending the afternoon off the computer, taking care of little things around the house and playing with Bug
  • a spectacular home-cooked meal from my spouse

Basically she wants me to live in the moment and be committed to doing the best I can with what I have. Sometimes that's medical care and sometimes that's a nap and sometimes that's finally getting a shoe rack put together in the entryway.

Hail the Bright Lady, who shines light on my choices. Do what you do with intent, whatever you do.

It seems kind of hard to believe that the month is almost over. It's definitely time to be finalizing the daily prayers. I'm not sure whether I'll type them up and make a little booklet for myself or copy them neatly into a notebook but either way they'll be getting a 'final' version so I don't have to keep flipping forward and back in my bullet journal every night.