Jack of Many Trades

Day 24 - Craft Time With Brhenti

Originally posted: 2017-03-25

The to-do list project is to-doing along. It's not perfect yet but I'm trying to be more aware of how I'm spending my time.

Friday is for Brhenti, so after dinner and playing with Bug it was project time. I decided to try this easy plan for making a tote bag from a t-shirt (verdict: super easy!) and then started on some hand stitching.

Jewelry is really a thing I need to work on at my desk because of all the small pieces and pliers and things, so I'm liking the experiments with things like sock darning and hand sewing that I can do on the couch with the family, and pick up or put down easily depending on what's going on.

We're far enough into this project now that I have pretty solid prayers for everyone. I'm making daily offerings but they vary depending on who they're to, and that seems sensible.

There's been a lot of medical foo and illness this month, though, enough that I'm wondering if that means I'm still fucking up something in the warding process. Of course, it's also been widely acknowledged in town that there's been more and worse winter bugs than usual this year, so maybe I'm being paranoid.

I haven't actually celebrated the equinox yet, and that actually is a holiday - we should be celebrating Mara's return from her winter hunt now. Oops. Frankly I think I lost track of it because I knew Easter was so far out. I found a bread recipe that I want to try but I need to find the yeast.

Not an exciting Friday, but I'm looking forward to the weekend.