Jack of Many Trades

Day 23 - Crossroads and Confluences

Originally posted: 2017-03-24

Sometimes happenstance makes things obvious. Last Thursday it seemed like pure luck I ended up at the confluence of two rivers to call on Pechak and Velos - I hadn't given any thought to the fact that I knew those two rivers met near there, and it didn't even seem relevant enough to mention in my post last week. Today at lunch it was beautiful, and I felt tugged to walk a little ways from my office, down toward the place on the edge of the Willamette where I first made offerings when I interviewed for this job.

Also it is the spot where a large creek enters the Willamette.

A confluence isn't the same as a crossroad, energetically. It's a mingling. These two things are separate, and then they are joined. It's a little like a marriage, or a merger.

I noticed the repetition as I came down to that overlooking spot and as I offered the day's prayers. There's some ideas to chew on there about why a confluence of rivers is sacred to them. Two separate, distinct powers that operate in concert or in opposition but always together... hmm.

For the most part, Pechak and Velos are very straightforward. I ask them for protection from those who would harm our household. There's some mysteries to them, but those aren't necessary to get anywhere. They can be blessedly straightforward, and that's a nice way to start winding down the week. I darned another sock today, and I put dinner together. I'm trying to stay on top of the to-do list thing, in a combination of not being too hard on myself and not being too easy.

Let's see what Brhenti has to say about that on Friday.