Jack of Many Trades

Primary Sources

Originally posted: 2017-02-23

This is not a definition of "research" I usually picture, but hey ho...

I'm a big fan of synchronicity (fan being a word that in this context means "frequent target of clue-by-fours") and rather than dive into a lot of books, I'm in large part letting Mara take the lead on where I should be going with #domagick. It's one of those things where it's hard to explain what I'm seeing and where I'm going because I'm aware it'll look faintly ridiculous.

The result, though, is that my research is asking Mara to draw me to what I need to do, and then looking at that, and repeating the process as needed. Divination, meditation and listening for that little nudge are at least a change of pace from a stack of books.

I'm working on a set of daily/weekly prayers. I revamped the dollhouse altar. I've done some steps to make my workspace more craft-friendly and ready to go. The spine of this project is shaping up to be daily offerings that combine wardwork, relationship-building and personal shielding. I'm hoping to add a generous helping of luckbuilding and set-point-moving. (It's really amazing how often I run into self esteem issues in protection work. It's as if I have to remind myself that I'm worthy of asking for things and allowed to want to do better.)

I'll be posting about the act of prayer-writing and prayer-refining, and I'm hopeful I'll actually end up with stuff I want to post, but we'll see.

Oh, and I shouldn't forget to mention: I got accepted by Pagan Bloggers! (Dear everyone else blogging there: I apologize in advance for ruining it!) I'll be doing a blog about building tradition and householdwork under the name October Country, because I'm still a nerd.