Jack of Many Trades

My Polytheism

Originally posted: 2016-08-16

Inspired by here and here and here and here and here...

My polytheism is easy. No quibbling about definitions of gods or spirits; they're all powers, they're all addressed the same. The powers that talk to me are the ones I talk to. What I perceive, I consider real. What works is what works.

My polytheism is difficult. It's timey-wimey, squishy, non-linear. It's occasionally psychotic, often uncomfortable, always complicated. No answer is complete unto itself. The opposite of a great truth is also true, as Niels Bohr said.

My polytheism is taking out the trash and doing the laundry. It's finding the energy to cook dinner and tell my daughter to say night night to Mara. It's gods who know I am able to do my best for them when I am able to do the best for myself.

My polytheism is Norse and Hellenic and eclectic, it is Buddhist and Taoist and Catholic, it is Narnian and Rainbowlander and Wild. It is undeniably the product of my life to this point. It is pop cultural because I am pop cultural, the product of growing up in a sitcom. It is academic because I threw myself on the mercy of academia trying to figure myself out.

My holiest of places is the Library, because it encompasses both fiction and non-fiction, and doesn't say one or the other is more important. My sacred act is writing. My ritual is plugging in the keyboard, booting up the laptop.

Also my polytheism is taking my meds and going to bed when Redbird tells me to, so I'm going to leave this here.