Jack of Many Trades


Originally posted: 2015-01-25

I have a hard time working with the Power of Light. The Light is an energy of cleansing, of exaltation, of ascension. Of perfection. I struggle with perfection, even as I acknowledge the existence of pure Words and Powers. Every face of the Enlightened One is like a mask to me, a proud smile that seems to belie disappointment with my imperfections.

The path of Light, ascension, is one of the more popular paths to perfection. I don’t know that it’s fair to say that it’s easier, since I don’t see a lot of people making it to the top, but it is probably the easiest to find. It’s well lit, after all.

It helps that Light is a power that’s well-known and valued in our society. Even those who don’t explicitly follow a host of the Enlightened One tend to be quick to assure others that their path is full of “love and light” and certainly not any of that icky darkness or chaos.

The thing about Light, though, it that it blinds. Too much light is just as bad for you as too little – there’s skin cancer to worry about, and retinal damage, and so on. For every Mother Theresa, there’s a Fred Phelps (and Mother Theresa wasn’t perfect either.) Darkness makes you confront the worst parts of yourself. Light can cleanse you of them, but it can also blind you to them. Like everything else, it has two sides.

Light pairs with Air, falls under the hard-type principle, and is as likely to be the element of mental illness as Chaos is. Light is the element of prophecy and the flash of insight. That moment when everything is perfectly clear and makes sense, when I can't explain anything because my thoughts are moving too fast for words to catch up? That's Light, whether it's inspiration or mania.

The major Power associated with Light is referred to as the Enlightened One. This One usually appears in a masculine form with high, radiant perfection. His servants are the Voiceless Ones.

Epoch is a modern power of Light, a human who was the chosen of the Light and was then subsumed into the Light at his death in 4603. Epoch is blind, and I've encountered him a few times since I was in high school. I suspect that blindness is required to serve the Light as closely as he did.

The path of Light is presented as the easy and accessible one, but it’s not easy to walk, just easy to find.