Jack of Many Trades

Jonas Trinkūnas 1939 – 2014

Originally posted: 2014-01-21

On Monday, Lithuanian news outlets reported that Jonas Trinkūnas, the krivis (supreme priest) and founder of Romuva, the revived ethnic Pagan religion of Lithuania, was transported to the hospital and died. He was 76 years old.

via Jonas Trinkūnas 1939 – 2014 | The Wild Hunt.

One of the first English-language resources I was able to track down when I was trying to figure out Latvian myth and religion was Trinkūnas' Of Gods and Holidays: the Baltic Heritage. Of course Latvian and  Lithuanian are not interchangeable, but I was incredibly grateful to find a book in English even existed on modern Baltic recon. Trinkūnas did an incredible amount of work both in Lithuania and in Europe as a whole on behalf of pagan reconstruction, and for that I honor him as an ancestor of my practice.