Jack of Many Trades

Writing the Change

Originally posted: 2014-01-20

It's easy to complain about things. Sometimes complaining is valid and useful, leading to productivity or helping someone de-stress or work through issues. For me personally, that tends not to be the case, especially after a point.

So in much the same way my "theme" for 2013 was Project Protagonist, I think my theme for 2014 is shaping up to be Write The Change You Want To See. Whenever I find myself frustrated with a lack of discussion or information on a topic, my goal will be to post about it. If I feel that aspects of something are being overlooked, I will make sure to look them over.

This is how yesterday's post about Surt and Sinmora came about - I was thinking about how I wished more people wrote about some of the less Big Name Rokkr, and I was thinking specifically about my experience with them, so I wrote about it. While writing angry rants like Being Respectable is sometimes useful and gets a lot of traffic, that's not the majority of what I do.

If I am a writer in a religious sense, I have an obligation to write. I have an obligation to share my work, my research and my experiences. Whether anybody gets something out of them is... well, it's not unimportant and I certainly like getting feedback on what I post, but that's separate from the process itself. The act of writing is the thing - butt in chair at my desk, in front of my little altar, from candle-lighting until the candle goes out or the computer's battery does. Communication is step two, but it doesn't happen without step one.

Step one is butt in chair. Step one is write what is missing. Don't complain about the thing when I could be doing the thing. Just do the thing.

Sounds easy, right?

Guess we'll see in a month or two...