Jack of Many Trades

Drawing Down, or Drawing Closer

Originally posted: 2014-01-09

When I light the devotional candle I have for the Mister and I offer Him prayers and devotional activities and physical offerings, I am deepening the groove that is His in the universe. That means He can move more in this realm. Maybe He reaches more people that need Him. Maybe He can accomplish more of His agenda. I don’t know what He does with the effort I put into His groove, as it’s not my business, but I know that it does something and provides Him with more than my love and attention.

via A Thousand Tiny Deaths | Rock of Eye.

The entire post is interesting, but I wanted to pull out this particular quote because I've never been able to eloquently explain why I do so much for Mara vs. some of the other deities I work with, and why it's necessary and important to make regular offerings for her. Alex explains it in a way that I think is very clear.

Odin doesn't need my help in that regard. Loki's got it covered. Kuan Yin is everybody's homegirl. But Mara's relatively obscure, Disneyland notwithstanding, and whatever I can do to help deepen that groove is worthwhile.