Jack of Many Trades

Project Protagonist: Believe Me

Originally posted: 2013-12-28

One of the challenges built into Project Protagonist is that I am, by definition, writing about a religion of one. (Well, okay, two including my wife, we're probably close enough for that.) I've come across sometimes-similar systems and tried to make it work for me in the name of having a shared belief, but always ends up awkwardly running up against some key difference.

If you concede the fact that there's such a thing as a singular pagan community, I think my favorite thing about it is the diversity of belief. I am a born devil's advocate. (My mom tells stories about how I was known and feared among the Sunday School teachers as a child.) Shared belief is less important than the shared discussion. Shutting down discussion, now... That's the point where I shut down.

I'm not really making an argument for any of the theology I'm talking in this project. It's more about working things out for myself. I guess you could say I'm not expecting anyone who reads it to believe me.

And that's okay.

Don't get me wrong, I love you all. I love having an audience, I love getting feedback. I write to be read, absolutely. But I'm ultimately not doing this for y'all, much as I appreciate that you're here.

"What do you do when you're no longer the hero of your own story?" - Michael Cunningham