Jack of Many Trades

Small Triumphs

Originally posted: 2013-12-26

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="121"]The Heart Is Deceitful The Heart Is Deceitful[/caption]

I sat down to do the math, and it looks like I made just shy of $400 from freelancing this year. No, that's not enough to live on, but it does represent about three months of getting my bearings working for two very different companies. I am considering it proof of concept - if I had more time, I could most likely earn more.

The second piece of writing-accounting is a much smaller number, but one that means more to me. Amazon has switched the way they pay royalties for Kindle books so that authors no longer have to wait until their royalties equal $25. What does that mean in terms of actual money? I made about $15 from my fiction. Hey, that's pretty good for a first time out.

If you're interested in my fiction (or my poetry), you can find my writing on Amazon and on Smashwords.

I'm hoping in the new year to be spending more time at that intersection between writing and spirituality, and so I'm considering posting more fiction here along the lines of the mythos posts I made in the last few months.