Jack of Many Trades

Does my CUUP Runneth Over?

Originally posted: 2013-12-17

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="228"]The version of the flaming chalice currently u... Logo of the Unitarian Universalist Association. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]

I went to the UU yesterday for the first time in probably six or eight months. The sermon was on schadenfreude and mudera and I quite enjoyed it. I think I was expecting to be annoyed - that was why we stopped going in the first place, because the sermons were annoying me. But at the time, the regular minister was away on sabbatical, and now he's back, so I'm hoping we can get a feel for his sense of Unitarian Universalism. The reason we went this week, though, was specifically because a local friend mentioned to me that afterwards there would be a meeting to plan the Imbolc ritual that the church's CUUPs group is organizing.

For some reason I'd never actually met up with the local CUUPS group as a a thing, and I liked the idea of meeting someone who was new to the area and interested in maybe getting an ADF group off the ground too, so I figured we should go. It sounds like we have some good plans made for February, so that'll be interesting, and if I can find time to drive down to the southiest of south Portland, there may be a group there worth hanging out with. That sounds nice, doesn't it?