Jack of Many Trades

Some Relevant Links

Originally posted: 2013-10-31

I've already written my post for the holiday, but I've seen some relevant thoughts go by this week and I wanted to point y'all to some other posts that said things I found important.

Autumn comes with an odd mix of busyness and slowing down. The crops come in, and the agrarian labor comes to a slow halt by November here. But the shops pick up, and the holidays loom. School hits midterms, then races towards finals. It’s a liminal season, and I see no reason–whatever your paradigm–not to have your thoughts turn to the veil between worlds, and those that have walked on past it. - Thoughts on the Harvest and Home

I may not have had much of a turn-out in the garden this year, but the end of the harvest is still one of the "reasons for the season."

I don’t find it surprising that this has come at the same time that I've stripped back my practice to the bare essentials. In some ways, it’s sort of a symptom of it. I've spent the last week or so thinking about my practice, and what I really need to focus on. What’s important, what needs t be let go. So with religion, as with real life. So things are being let go of, and either passed on to op shops, or thrown out. - De-Cluttering

I like to de-clutter for the major holidays, especially all three new years. I've done a bit of that recently but not as much as I like, and I found this post timely for that reason.

The woman stopped. She turned towards me, one hand holding a couple of manila folders, the other resting lightly on her hip. She was still smiling. "Those people won’t know what most of that is. I mean, really, quinoa?" - Those People

I'm working on this week's V post, which is ostensibly about values, and this is the time of year when our obligations to our fellow men become clearest as the nights become harsh and frozen. This week I serve dinner to the dead, and as we move into the winter my obligation becomes to serve dinner to the living.