Jack of Many Trades

S is for Stress

Originally posted: 2013-09-13

You may have noticed a distinct lack of posting this week.

A huge file deadline loomed at work. I just polished off my part of it an hour ago and pitched in a bit to help my coworker. Last week I also had to do a major project for my classes. This week's homework is still untouched, but I have a few days.

I'm still tending the altars, somehow, mostly. Even if I forget or I'm going straight to bed, I make it a habit to light the candle. Even if all I do is blow the candle right back out again, I light it to show the intention.

My anxiety's been up to eleven for almost two weeks now and I'm ready to move on but there's other things that need to be sorted before I can do that. I am practicing asking for help - from my spouse, from Mara, from Kuan Yin, even from my coworkers here and there.

I am still walking forward.