Jack of Many Trades

Making the Investment

Originally posted: 2013-06-25

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="144"]Camp NaNoWriMo Camp NaNoWriMo [/caption]

I made two commitments today.

First, I signed up for the Strategic Sorcery course. It's on sale right now, so if you've been thinking about it, now's a quality time to go for it. I got the first batch of material in my email already and I'm pretty excited. I've had good results with the material in his books and I think this will really be worthwhile for me.

It took a lot of thinking in circles to get myself to do it, though. Even on sale, the cost isn't small, at least not by my budgetary standards. It's an investment, and I'm not necessarily good at convincing myself that I'm worth investing in. However, I talked it over with my wife, discussed the budget, and we came to the conclusion that it's worth taking the (fairly small) risk of the unknown in signing up for it.

Second, I signed up for Camp Nanowrimo. I know, I know, I don't need another writing challenge. But I have a project in mind to work on, and I set my own goal, so it's fairly attainable. I set my goal at 15k; I only need to write about 500 words a day to do that. I think I can manage, even with work and school and everything else.

And if not, well, at least Camp Nano is free, right?