Jack of Many Trades

NaPoWriMo Check In

Originally posted: 2013-04-10

So it's Wednesday again, day sacred to Odin, god of poets and storytellers. So how is NaPoWriMo going?

Not too bad, actually. I did write a poem on Monday, though I didn't post it here; it's for a WIP project. I didn't post for yesterday because I'm playing with a haiku series and I think everyone would prefer I not spam you with those as I go. I'll probably post that this weekend.

In other creative endeavors, work on my Secret Project is coming along. I'm also going to be shifting the "author page" stuff to its own website. For the moment I'm not planning on blogging there; I have a hard enough time keeping up this blog. But I guess we'll see. I know at least a few of you have an author blog and a metaphysical blog. How do you separate the two and find time for both?