Jack of Many Trades

Writing Wednesday: So It's April

Originally posted: 2013-04-03

And that means National Poetry Writing Month, in case you didn't notice. I'm trying to keep a couple of projects in the air, and that's going to effect the kinds of poetry you see this month. If things go as planned, most of my writing this month will either be devotional or fiction-related.

Of course, as soon as I say that I'll probably not be able to think of either. I want to attempt it, though. I've been doing NaPoWriMo for several years and I think some additional constraints will make for an interesting new challenge. That will probably mean daily or twice-daily posts for the month.

After April, I'll be continuing the devotional writing. I made Dear Mara a promise that, if my wife got her full time, permanent position, I would (among other things) create a shrine on the internet for her, so that others could learn more about her. Once the site is online, I'll probably aim to update weekly for at least several months.

I suppose now's as good a time to ask as any: y'all have heard me go on about Mara for ages now. Is there anything you want to know about her?