Jack of Many Trades

A is for Ár nDraíocht Féin

Originally posted: 2013-01-04

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="210"]A symbol representing the Awen from Celtic myt... A symbol representing the Awen from Celtic mythology. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]

Ár nDraíocht Féin is a druid organization founded by Isaac Bonewits. It's one of the larger neo-Druidry organizations and has been active since the 80s. It's been almost a year since I joined the ADF, and therefore it's time to decide whether I'm going to renew my membership or not.

What am I getting out of it? Well, I've done some good work for my DP. I enjoy some of the conversations on the mailing lists. Attending rituals at Trout Lake was a real highlight. And I definitely enjoy the people I've met, particularly some of the local druids.

Of course, I'll still know those people without the ADF, and one doesn't have to be a member to attend rituals at Trout Lake...

The problem is not the ADF or the Dedicant Path itself. The problem is that I've felt so constrained by my ADF membership. Most of this year, I've felt almost guilty picking up anything about a non-IE religion; it was a bit like feeling there was homework I should be doing every time I tried to read for fun. Sure, there are plenty of books on PIE religion I've enjoyed reading or still want to read. That I have a book report still outstanding for the DP, however, doesn't mean I can't read the book I just picked up about exorcism in Song China.

In fairness, that's my hang up, not the DP's fault. Nowhere does it insist that I can't read outside of the PIE hearths. But it doesn't suit me, where I am right now. I think I'll take some time off, and if I change my  mind, I can always go back to it later.