Jack of Many Trades


Originally posted: 2012-12-16

One year ago today, I began laying out my 2012 goals for Deb's New Year, New You project. I divided them into five categories, which became the five main post categories on my blog, and spent the following week outlining them in greater detail. It felt appropriate to loop back around now and see how I've managed, as well as think about where I want to go next year.

  1. Health - I have insurance. I had my two-year surgery followup and all the other check-ins I was due for. I could be doing more in terms of my diet and the like, certainly, but I feel like I hit all the big flashing buttons in this category.
  2. Work/Wealth - I can probably call this a clear success, in that I found a much better job than the one I had at this time last year. My job isn't perfect, but it's pretty good. For the most part, I like my coworkers and I like what I do. But it's still not what I want to do for the rest of my life, and my financial goals have also morphed some over the last year. I'm thinking about getting back into theology. We're thinking about adopting, which requires a bigger apartment and a huge commitment. This requires a lot of rearranging of priorities, and it is an ongoing process. Still, there was a definite victory in this category during 2012.
  3. Mental/Neuroatypicality - My first impulse is to say that I didn't make any headway in this category, but I think that's untrue. I conquered my fear of driving, if only for a few weeks. I made a lot of progress unpacking my baggage, even if it's still strewn across the dressing room of my mind. Hopefully I'll have more to show for it next year.
  4. Creative - I wrote a quarter of a million words this year. I won NaNoWriMo, but more importantly, I've been writing regularly outside of it. I've done some painting, some jewelry-work, and a lot of photography this year. I learned to rug-punch and to needle-felt. These are all net gains. And yet I feel like I don't get enough creative time in - I steal my writing hours during my commute and my lunch at work.
  5. Magical - I have a regular practice, which I didn't have last year. I pushed my own boundaries, especially working with the planetary energies and in joining the ADF. I haven't decided yet how I feel about the ADF, actually. But I set out to do more and I did more, I can't argue with that.

So what's next? Pretty much the same things. I want to apply the efforts in different areas - I think I want to try to focus on health and wealth because they're the two that do not come easily to me. Before the new year, I plan to check back in on these.

Wish me luck!