Jack of Many Trades

The Wheel

Originally posted: 2012-10-08

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="173"]![English: "The Tenth Key of Tarot" is...](images/Levi-10.jpeg "English: "The Tenth Key of Tarot" is...") by Eliphas Levi[/caption]

I cast the cards, I draw the Wheel of Fortune. You stand behind it, holding it, watching it turn, turning it. You hold the seasons and drown to bring the spring in. You turn the seasons and bury your brother with the harvest. All of these things live within the spokes of the wheel, in our lives and in yours. Sometimes the candle burns black, sometimes bright and healthy. I see you at the farmer's market and at my yearly check-up, in the class schedule and the festival season. I know the wheel cannot always turn in my favor, but I ask you: turn back the worst, cushion my fall, let the bad times pass quickly, let the good times linger. May I never forget my luck or my blessings, may I appreciate the water that flows over the wheel and your hands at my back.