Jack of Many Trades


Originally posted: 2012-09-08

In the process of folding my two blogs together, I also decided to move my domain ownership from my previous host to Namecheap. Why? Let me give you the timeline of the last few days:

On Saturday, I switched the DNS of jackadreams.info from my old host's DNS servers to Wordpress's DNS servers with my previous domain company. And waited. Having had similar issues before, I decided "fuck it" and started the process of moving the domain to Namecheap.

It took five days to transfer the name to Namecheap, and half of that was the holiday weekend, so no complaints on my part there. Over the course of those five days, I waited for the DNS to switch with my old host. Nada.

The transfer to Namecheap went through shortly before I left work, so about 5pm. As soon as I got the email, I transferred the DNS with Namecheap.

By 9pm, the domain name was correctly directed to Wordpress. It took fewer hours than my previous host had taken in days. So, yes, it's a pretty safe bet I'll be sticking with Wordpress.

Meanwhile, all the old links and RSS and everything should still work, but if you notice any dead links or buggy fidgets, please drop me a comment and let me know so I can fix them. Thanks!