Jack of Many Trades

Planets: Jupiter

Originally posted: 2012-08-03

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="210"]![Jupiter as seen by the space probe "Cassi...](images/300px-PIA04866_modest.jpg "Jupiter as seen by the space probe "Cassi...") (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]

I come before you on the day of Jupiter in the hour of Jupiter and ask your guidance and inspiration…

I wasn't sure what to expect tonight. I mean, Tuesday was crap. I've been getting Norse gods the whole time and Jupiterian energy was the whole inspiration for the project, and yet I was wondering how the hell Thor fit in - I mean, I didn't think of the places where his portfolio overlapped Jupiter's as being particularly relevant to this project. I thought maybe I'd get someone else or something more abstract.

Nope. I got Thor.

My relationship with Thor is a little weird. I mean, I call Odin "Dad," it's not as if I can ignore his loudest son. But I don't see him often.

"So explain it to me," I told Thor.

The answer had to do with taking care of people, and their livelihoods - farmers prayed for their crops, sailors prayed for their safety, and so on. That's where he intersects with that energy. And then there's the protection, providing energy, which providing a livelihood certainly helps with. And there's inspiration, always where lightning is.

I have some other thoughts, though, that I'm trying to put together as I finish this up. If I get my ideas together I might be able to speak to it on Saturday when I finish.