Jack of Many Trades

Meditation Reminders

Originally posted: 2012-07-03

I just realized I'm over three months into my five month meditation journaling practice. Woo! My goal is very much to focus on the "long-term" goals - the meditation journal and the eight consecutive holidays - and do some of the other ones as I go but not stress over them. Once I've got the time commitments out of the way, I can probably bang the rest of it out relatively easily.

This week I'm trying something new for my meditation - I got a new app for my phone that reminds me to meditate every day as well as being a meditation timer. I like the gentle nudge.

Amber and I got our nature walking in over the weekend quite by accident. When we were trying to find the library I wrote about the other day, we found a nature path shortcut. There were some beautiful places to stop and just watch the wildlife and I really enjoyed it.

The only other relevant thing I can think of is that I'm spending time with Mara's altar every day at the moment. That's about it!