Jack of Many Trades

Gauge Check: Long Weekend

Originally posted: 2012-05-28

Yep, it's day two of a three day weekend. You know what that means, right?

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="220"] The Portland Tram[/caption]

That means my brain went "yay, downtime!" and decided to hit me with the depressive funk that I'd apparently been avoiding through sheer workaholism. I've been battling it with writing and high places and water and tomorrow I'll battle it with a trip to the Multnomah County Fair.

In the meantime, my month of fiction writing continues apace and I think I'll make it this time. If nothing else, it's too close to the end to quit. I've also begun poking at a longer piece with a mid-June deadline.

I'm trying to sort through how I relate to the land, to the rivers and to the earth on both sides of the Columbia, and to the city. It makes sense as I do it, but explaining it is hard. Once I get these fiction projects sorted, though, I might take that on next.

Guess we'll see how I feel, huh?