Jack of Many Trades

Gauge Check: Running Late

Originally posted: 2012-05-14

I'm working on a J post, hoping to get it up later tonight. So far this month I have learned that trying to do a story a dayand keep up with this blog is hard; it'll be interesting to see what that means for my blogging habits come November.

It doesn't help that I haven't been in the best place - still working on learning not to be a perfectionist, and boy is it hard. I'm not sleeping well, but some of the reasons for that should be clearing up this week.

Oh, and I didn't talk about last weekend aside from the high day - we were busy little beavers last weekend. First, there's a druid discussion group that's tentatively getting off the ground that we went to. Not very large yet but the people who turned up all seemed interested. Then on Sunday we went down to the Gathering of the Guilds at the convention center and I think I talked about that on Monday.

I know this is still short, but I'm going to give up and post it and try to write my J post. We're going to have company next weekend, so my gauge check might be late again. I suppose we'll see.