Jack of Many Trades

Things That Are Not Fair

Originally posted: 2012-03-20

You may remember how, all of two days ago, I announced that I was not going to acquire any new books that I had not already preordered until the end of the year.

I am being sorely tested, guys. In the 48 hours or so since I posted that, two bloggers I follow have posted free books for download and I got an email that Indiana University Press is having a 50% off sale through Thursday.

This includes Of Gods and Men: Studies in Lithuanian Mythology, which you can't even find used for less than $30 but is $18 on sale, along with scholarly book on the Kalevala.

I don't know what to do! Seriously, if it wasn't a book that I'd been trying to track down but couldn't locate in a local library, I'd be able to push it aside, but... I am so, so tempted right now.

Should I stick to the promise I made, guys? If I break down two days in, am I a total failure? Or is this a special situation? (Or is someone willing to buy it as a present to get me a loophole that way?)

Tell me what to do! I have until Thursday.