Jack of Many Trades

Prayer to Kuan Yin

Originally posted: 2012-03-09

Om mani padme hum. Hail to the jewel in the heart of the lotus, multifaced, hermaphroditic, goddess of compassion and bodhisattva of patience. I often cause suffering. My mouth moves faster Than my regret, coughing up Emotional acid reflux. Share your infinite compassion With my fucked up self, A minty chewy taste When my foot’s in my mouth. Teach me how you love all beings When they’re so fucking stupid. Teach me how not to Call them all so fucking stupid Since that doesn’t seem Terribly Buddhist of me. I really am a terrible Buddhist, O lady of compassion. Luckily for me you put up with that. Show me how to save everyone Or if you can’t, I’ll settle For learning when to shut up. Thanks, o bodhisattva Who sees the suffering of the world. Namo guan shih yin pusa.