Jack of Many Trades

Sometimes You Do Something

Originally posted: 2012-03-07

I've never been formally trained in magic. I'm mostly spirit taught, aside from the dicking around I did in college with the Pagan Club. And while I've done alright for myself, in my humble opinion, I think I've missed out on some things, too, and others are coming back to bite me.

I had some bad experiences with specific practitioners, and those caused me to snap over to the other side, as it were. I have been skeptical to the point of ignoring my own intuition for months now. I realized that I need something to make me sit down and start from scratch, relearning what I've forgotten. And I need more than my own will to do it, since my own will hasn't done it yet. I need some sort of structure.

So I'm going to give the ADF dedicant path a try. I've been looking at all the major druid groups off and on a for a few months now, but ADF wins because they have two groups in my immediate area and because I have some experience of the organization, even if it didn't make a wholly positive impression on me.

I figure, if it doesn't work out, I can try something else next year. Right now, though, I just need something to keep me pointed in the right direction.