Jack of Many Trades

Gauge Check: Oh God More Nyquil

Originally posted: 2012-02-11

I think the headcold's in remission, though it seems to have triggered my old nemesis asthma in the meantime. Fuck.

I'd skip this week's Gauge Check but I realized I missed last week's in the headcold-haze so let's see what I can get done before the Nyquil kicks in.

Work is a constant cavalcade of Things Happening. There's always something I should be doing, or could be doing, and if I'm not careful that'll start getting to me. So I need to manage myself more, both in terms of making sure I'm working efficiently and making sure I'm not overworking. Otherwise, though, I'm enjoying the job. The week after next I have to get some serious training time in, so that should be a change of pace.

My anxiety is definitely improving - enough that I've been able to resume working on picking the reasons behind things apart again. While this isn't a sure cure or anything, it definitely helps to understand.

Money's good for the moment - my taxes are filed, and I intend to use some of the refund to pay down debt, including one particular debt that's got some unhappy energy tied to it. Overtime's been kind of unavoidable at work so I might as well enjoy the benefits, right?

As for creativity, I finished a short story this week, and started outlining two others. Hopefully next week I'll have time to work on that.

Magically, I'm in a quiet phase this week, but I am doing some energy work and keeping myself busy reading. And that's that, just in time for the Nyquil to send me to bed. I still owe an update on this week's New Year, New You, so hopefully I'll have time to write that tomorrow.