Jack of Many Trades

Small Steps

Originally posted: 2011-09-22

So yes, I moved. And yes, we've picked up a few new things since we've been here - a bed, for example, and cookware. And maybe a few more books. But I'm also realizing that I can continually re-evaluate on smaller levels instead of sinking a bunch of energy into major declutters.

Instead of putting together a giant load of books for the user bookstore, one or two books go in the library donation bin. Instead of a massive closet declutter, a shirt that I try on and don't like goes right into a bag for Goodwill.

It's not as if things come into the house in massive piles most of the time, after all. In slowly, out slowly, and maybe next time I won't need to do a massive declutter.

We'll see how long it lasts, anyway. (Probably until I run across my first $5/bag booksale up here.)