Jack of Many Trades

Slow Down

Originally posted: 2011-07-26

This weekend we took a couple of boxes of pagan books and some statuary to a local pagan store. There was enough that the store owner said he'd like a couple of days to look over it before he gives us the terms for the consignment, which is fine with me. I've known him for years and years and we're basically just looking to get stuff that we no longer need into good homes.

Other than that, it's been slow going lately. I finally bought some bankers boxes to start packing into, but I'm not sure where to start. I want to do more purging, but I'm at a loss for where to go next on that project. I feel like I've already looked at everything, though I know that can't really be the case.

I started an Electronic Yard Sale album on Facebook so my local friends can get a look at what we're getting rid of. Most of the big stuff has takers so I'm not too worried, anything that doesn't go to friends will go on Craigslist in two weeks. Here's hoping slow but steady will win the race!