Jack of Many Trades


Originally posted: 2011-07-18

Aside from the books, the only other thing I accomplished this weekend was getting stuff that was already sorted out of the house. The piles of boxes get overwhelming fast, so I need to make more of a habit of taking full boxes out to Goodwill in ones and twos instead of waiting until I feel like I have enough.

I feel I will never have enough done.

So four boxes went out, including my old suitcases. I didn't even bother to de-nest them, just filled in the last bit of empty space in the small one and sent it on its way. The only things I was storing in them that I bothered to pull out were my high school and college diplomas. Not that I've ever needed the hard copies, but the idea of throwing out my high school diploma is still kind of odd.

I did got a non-scam bite on the display case today, and my girlfriend was able to sew up the sale while I was at work. One piece of furniture down! All the other furniture to go!

On the heels of that success, I made a list of the furniture and some of the kitchenware and posted it for some of my friends. I'll probably follow up with a few links in the next couple of days, but a couple of people have already expressed interest so I'm hopeful.