Jack of Many Trades

National Novel Writing Sort-of-month

Originally posted: 2008-06-22

Well, the Summer Nano Project for the Creative Muse Society starts tomorrow. (I think. I also saw somebody refer to Monday, but I suppose it's better safe than sorry. I don't want to start out a day behind.) Instead of being a straight-shot month, it's broken down into two periods of two weeks with a break in between. I don't know if that'll be good, giving me a chance to recharge, or if it'll throw off my groove and accelerate the mid-Nano slump, but I guess we'll see. Worst case scenario, I could always just keep writing straight through.

I'm going to be working on yet another new project (I know, I know, I need to finish something) and I haven't really got much of a plot for it yet, which is unfortunate. But hey, it's Nano-ish. I don't really need a plot.

I am, however, going to sit down tonight and try to do some plotting or something. Maybe with index cards.