Jack of Many Trades

NaPoWriMo Wrap Up

Originally posted: 2008-05-01

January created a meme for NaPoWriMo participants, so I figured I'd fill it out.

Number of poems written in April: 32, counting off-site Number of poems you’ll keep and revise: I don't generally revise or develop my haiku, so probably about five. List the titles of your top three NaPoWriMo poems: Dust on Dreams, Crazy Quilt, Out of the Loop List your three least favorite NaPoWriMo poems: Pissing Contest, Just Another White Boy, Cheer Up Emo Kid Favorite line from one of your NaPoWriMo poems: "the canvas/is purple and blue, hope and/the sky" Favorite poem by a NaPoWriMo participant: Intoxication What surprised you most about writing a poem a day? How hard it is for me to post something I'm not satisfied with. Now that you’ve started the momentum, what’s next? Stopping. I mean, something else. Fiction, probably.

Overall, it was an interesting exercise and I'm glad I did it, but I'm not sure if I'll do it next year. I got some good haiku out of it, and I actually also got a couple of half-finished pieces I didn't want to put up yet.