Jack of Many Trades

15 Resources for Wannabe Poets

Originally posted: 2007-12-05

In the process of finding enough things to write about to fill the entire month of November, I came across a lot of good poetry resources for new or struggling poets. I figured I'd collect them all in one place because, hey, I can't be the only one looking for ideas.

How to Write

First, you'll want to read good poetry so you know what you're aspiring to.

Then you'll want to take a look at the different kinds of poetry. If you're feeling really ambitious, you might find inspiration reading about different schools and technical terms. Even if you end up writing free verse with no meter or rhyme, it helps a lot to know what you're not writing.

What to Write

Sometimes the hardest thing is just knowing what to write about. Lots of blogs offer prompts and suggestions to get you started.

What to Do After You Write

If you just want people to read what you're writing, most of the prompt blogs above welcome writers to post links to the things they created from the prompts.

If you want more feedback, you'll want to look for a group that's dedicated to constructive criticism. Remember, you have to be willing to give as well as get for most of these groups.

If you're thinking of publishing yourself, you absolutely must check out the DIY Poetry Publishing Co-operative.

If you know of a good one I missed, please link it in the comments!

Topic suggested by Skellie.